As you can see I recently took a  trip to China's Inner Mongolia, during it's massive week-long holiday: 国庆节. I t was stunning! Beautiful, exotic, full of deep and rich culture that has existed for more than a thousand years. And my friends and I got a taste of it, literally! We first took a trip out to the hallowed grasslands, where a majority of their culture was centered around during their nomadic period. We stayed a night in a rather modern and nice yurt, as well as had some yummy grass plains lamb. 
The sunrise and sunset were absolutely stunning as you can see! 
From there we traveled back to the capital city of Hohot, and then went to the desert. It was a barren, sort of beautiful sight and the sand was pretty much dust piled up together... very fine sand! The dunes were gorgeous and the sand designs... even more so. Take some home with you as I did ;)